Feeling creative this summer? Why not try our Tropical
Bunting ‘How To’? Create a centre piece for your summer parties and BBQ’s.
Tropical Bunting can hang amongst the trees, under your gazebo,
on the fence or take it indoors to bring the tropics inside! It’s sure to add a
zesty pop of colour and fun to any party!

All you need…
- Scissors
- Twine
- Mini pegs
- Iron
- Iron-On
- 0.5 metres
of our Ananas fabric - from the Paradise collection
- 0.2 metres
of our Bramley fabric - from the Pickle collection
(optional extra for the smaller fruit shapes)

- Firstly stiffen your fabric, by ironing the adhesive side of
your Iron-On interfacing onto the reverse of your fabrics, to add structure and
to prevent fraying once cut.
- Allow your fabric to cool, which allows the Iron-On
interfacing to fully adhere.
- Cut out your pineapples and smaller fruit shapes.
- Cut the twine to your required bunting length.
- Using the mini pegs clip your pineapples and fruit shapes
along the twine.
- Finally hang your Tropical Bunting and you are ready for those summer

Get creative, embrace the trend and go totally tropical this